Sacred Rising

Enter Your

Natural PCOS Reversal Era

Get off the medications, and use the ancient wisdom + science that works to


When you have an individualized plan, coaching, community, & education, you have everything you need to reverse PCOS.

Inside Sacred Rising, we teach you the remedies, dietary & lifestyle changes that work for YOUR body. 

Chat with Yasmine

In every story of transformation lies a journey—a soulful odyssey that shapes who I am and what I've become. My journey began with a diagnosis that altered the course of my life: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

At just 13 years old, I received the news that would forever change my perspective on health and healing. PCOS wasn't just a medical condition; it was a relentless force that disrupted my physical well-being and cast shadows on my emotional landscape. But amid the turmoil, I found a glimmer of hope—a flicker of resilience that would ignite my path to transformation.

Armed with determination and a deep yearning for a more natural approach, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I navigated through the complexities of PCOS with unwavering determination, exploring the depths of holistic healing and uncovering the power of radical self-love.

Through triumphs and setbacks, victories and challenges, I emerged as a beacon of inspiration—a guiding light for women seeking solace, support, and empowerment on their own healing journeys. My personal experiences—rooted in resilience, authenticity, and unwavering faith—serve as a testament to the transformative power of self-love and holistic healing.

Today, I stand as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit—a living embodiment of the power of radical self-love to overcome even the greatest obstacles. With compassion as my compass and empowerment as my guiding star, I continue to inspire and uplift women worldwide, guiding them towards a future filled with vitality, confidence, and unwavering self-love.

Join me on this transformative journey towards radical self-love and true healing.


Together, let's rewrite the story of PCOS—not as a tale of struggle, but as a narrative of resilience, empowerment, and unwavering self-love.

Dearest One, do you ever feel...


Like you’re hanging on by a damn thread (a frazzled one at that)


That you're constantly putting your dreams, goals, needs, and desires on the backburner 


As if you’re always the one nurturing, giving, and supporting people... and never the one receiving back the love and energy you so freely and generously give to others


Stuck, stagnant, stiff and dried out (instead of easeful, flowing, juicy and vibrant)


Isolated... and longing for connection and community


Overwhelmed, burned out and perpetually in "go mode"... always wishing you could deeply, fully rest for just one fucking day 


Like your spirit and body are constantly sending out an “SOS”... but you don't have the time or energy to create a plan for health and healing


Out of alignment and unfulfilled... like something's missing, but you don't have the language for it


You're tired of going on diet after diet, killing yourself at the gym, getting outdated medical advice, following through with taking medications and still not truly finding relief - Now you’re looking for a better way to not just manage PCOS symptoms, but to KNOW how to eliminate them for good! 

If so, then you need to know two things:

1.) You're NOT alone in this and

2.) There absolutely is a soulful solution!

Chat with Yasmine

Let's just state the facts, OK: 


Living with PCOS is, without a doubt, one of the most challenging, draining, and demanding experiences a woman can face.

It's not just a personal struggle; it's a reflection of the gender disparities that persist in our society.


And anyone who says otherwise is a damn fool. After 14 years of working with women for a living, it seems we’re currently united by a common thread of frustration, overwhelm and stress. And of course, we’re told that these symptoms are just an "inevitable" part of life with PCOS, an inescapable reality.

We are told...

You know; it comes with the territory.  "Well... what did you expect?" people ask.


I call bullshit. 


Women with PCOS everywhere, across the globe, ask the same questions:


  • What’s wrong with me?
  • Why am I always struggling and depleted?
  • What am I doing wrong?
  • Is it supposed to be this hard?
  • Is it going to ever feel... easier?


Listen up, woman- you are not the problem here. I repeat: It Ain’t You. 


These feelings aren’t a reflection of your inadequacy and you aren’t “unqualified”.


I know you wake up every day and do your very best. Unfortunately, you're dealing with the consequences of a world that didn't prioritize the wellbeing of women like you.


In the entire history of humanity, there’s never been a time when we’re more unsupported, socially isolated or expected to do and be so much. Until we collectively realize that the health and wellbeing of women lays the foundation for a healthy society, and start making women's health a global priority, life is gonna be tough and that’s why I’m here to help you navigate this rocky terrain.


Until we collectively recognize the gender disparities and the loss of generational wisdom about women's wellbeing, managing PCOS is going to be tough.

Again, that's why I'm here to help you navigate this challenging journey, and together, we'll work toward reclaiming the wisdom and support that generations of women deserve.

 You want to be healthier, happier, more fertile, have great hormonal balance, and radiant skin, so…

Welcome, Wise Woman!


You’re a courageous explorer with innate wisdom, the raw, infinite power to heal... and an authentic self who knows the way. 


But right now, you feel stuck, stagnant and totally uninspired.


I know that feeling all too well and that's why I'd like to invite you to go on a journey with me.


Together, we can...


  • Revolutionize your health; mind, body and soul

  • Remember who you truly are and what you really  want

  • Reconnect

  • Reclaim those magical parts of yourself that got lost along the way

  • Manifest

  • Attract

  • Activate your passion, purpose personal power

  • Align


I'd like you to take a moment to imagine how your life would change...


What if you could stop going down the rabbit hole of treating individual symptoms of PCOS, quickly relieve symptoms and learn the root cause of your PCOS

- rapidly understand the root cause - 

THRIVE in your body, mind, heart, and soul

and clinically REVERSE PCOS?


Intentionally re-wrote the old stories and belief systems that were holding you back from fulfilling your highest potential


Started boldly living and speaking your truth


Finally healed personal, generational, and ancestral trauma


Broke through old constructs and paradigms and stepped boldly into a new way of thinking and being


LET GO of society's (or your family's) unrealistic expectations of you


Released the need for other people's permission or approval and started living on your own terms


Felt full to the brim of passion, power, sensuality, and strength


Finally acknowledged, addressed, and moved past the old wounds and traumas that are keeping you spinning and stuck


Were solidly in tune with the natural rhythms and cycles of your body and the earth


Decided to be the conscious, intentional creator of your present and future 


Had a community of other like-minded women (maidens, mothers, crones) that you could turn to at any time for inspiration, guidance, and support


Engaged in daily rituals and routines that left you feeling centered, grounded, and steady


Had access to someone who would hold you in unconditional, positive regard as you navigated turbulent times


Had tools and techniques you can turn to at any time to regulate your nervous system, mitigate your anxiety and return to a sense of calm and safety


Had a simple, realistic, and holistic plan for becoming the healthiest, happiest version of YOU


Chat with Yasmine

I’ve become more confident, not only in my mothering but also in my womanhood & in stepping into my emerging role as the matriarch & spiritual anchor of my family. I’m stronger, softer, wiser & juicier than I was a year ago & the container Yasmine holds as well as the resources she provides are to thank for that. 

Video Poster Image

Jade Dior achieved a 3 day painless period in just 30 days after years of pain and suffering.

She has increased her peace of mind, energy levels have been restored, and has learned how to be in deep synchronization with her body, she is doing more and is more productive than ever while still prioritizing her self care





The coaching, community, and course you need to revolutionize your health (mind, body, and soul), reclaim your power, remember your purpose and activate your highest potential.

Break free from the soul crushing symptoms of PCOS 

Stop the endless confusion of trying to find solutions that work


Chat with Yasmine

How's it different?

There are tons of PCOS programs on the market today, but Sacred Rising was created for WOMEN LIKE YOU who want to reclaim their health and vitality... without feeling overwhelmed by restrictive diets or one-size-fits-all approaches.

Results and Outcomes

By the end of this program, you'll be able to...


Your Inner Wild Woman.

Rediscover your inner strength and vitality to embark on this transformative journey with confidence.


The Weight of PCOS

Shed unwanted pounds and embrace a healthier, more vibrant you, FREE from the weight of PCOS.

FREE from the emotional burden. 



With your body...

Reestablish a deep connection with your body's wisdom to nurture yourself from the inside out.

Tapping into your fertility, sensuality, femininity, and GLOW. 


Your Hormones & Metabolism 

Find natural BALANCE for your HORMONES and overall well-being, say goodbye to mood swings and unwanted symptoms.


A Future of WELLNESS

Empower yourself to craft a future filled with lasting health, vitality, and the freedom to live life to the fullest.




Renew your energy, mental clarity, and zest for life, replenishing your body's resources for sustained well-being.

Build the foundation for long-term, sustained, PCOS Reversal! 

Here's what our journey will look like...

Embark on a transformative journey with Womb of Peace, where we guide you through a comprehensive path to...

RESET your body, DISCOVER the root causes of your discomfort, and EMBRACE a life of health and harmony

Our program is divided into three overarching sections, each designed to take you a step closer to reversing PCOS and reclaiming your health. From emotional healing and symptom relief to mastering nutrition and mindset, join us as we pave the way to a healthier, more vibrant you.

Step One (Weeks 1-2): Open Your Heart: Emotional Healing 

...Begin your journey by healing from within. This module is dedicated to emotional healing, addressing sister and mother wounds, and opening your heart to your highest self. Rediscover hope and allow yourself to dream of a life free from the constraints of past failures. Learn to embrace healing and step into a space of self-love and acceptance.

Step Two (Weeks 3-4): Soothe Your Symptoms: Quick Symptom Relief

..dive into practical strategies for immediate symptom relief. This module focuses on lowering androgens and cortisol through daily restorative movements, meditation, and mindfulness practices. Restore your gut health and achieve strong digestion to start feeling better, faster.

Step Three (Weeks 5-6): Uncover the Root Causes: Deep Dive into PCOS 

Unearth the underlying causes of your symptoms, including anovulation, high androgen levels, and metabolic dysfunction. This module empowers you with the knowledge to address these root causes directly, setting the stage for genuine, long-term healing.

Step Four (Weeks 7-8): Regulate the Nervous System: Building Stability 

Building on the foundation of the first three steps, this module emphasizes regulating your nervous system. Master a strong routine of healthy habits to cultivate stability and resilience in your daily life.

Step Five (Weeks 9-10): Master Nutrition: Nourishing Your Body

Learn the principles of PCOS reversal nutrition without feeling restricted or deprived. This module is all about healing your metabolism, reducing inflammation, and strengthening your relationship with food through mindful meal planning and preparation.

Step Six Sync with Your Womb (Weeks 11-12): Renewing Body Connection and Cycle Syncing

  • This module is a profound journey into the art and science of cycle syncing, a practice that allows you to align your lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise with the natural rhythms of your menstrual cycle. By understanding and embracing these rhythms, you'll learn to harness the deeper wisdom of your womb and body, fostering a renewed relationship with yourself. Discover how to listen to your body's signals and use them as a guide for personal growth and healing. We'll explore strategies for adapting your daily routines, including movement practices and nutritional choices, to support each phase of your cycle. This not only optimizes your physical health but also enhances emotional well-being, leading to a more harmonious and empowered way of living
  • Focus on body recomposition by incorporating strength-building practices like pilates, bodyweight exercises, or strength training. This module helps you create a new, empowering relationship with your body, boosting metabolism and supporting lean muscle mass.
  • We emphasize honoring the womb, your naturals cycles, and the importance of strength. 

Step Seven (Weeks 13-14): Master Mindset and Behavior Change: Flexibility and Mobility

  • Continue your transformation by enhancing flexibility and mobility. Incorporate qi-gong, tai chi, yin yoga, and pranic breathing to build stress tolerance and resilience. This module builds on the previous steps to foster a holistic sense of well-being.
  • Learn the stages of change and how to remain consistent in your journey. 
  • Learn the key mindset shifts that support permanent results. 

Step 8 (Weeks 15-16): Maintenance & Support: Lifelong Wellness

The final step focuses on integrating all you've learned into a sustainable lifestyle of wellness and support. This module ensures you have the tools and knowledge to maintain your progress and continue thriving beyond the program.

“There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise."


What does the program include?

Sacred Rising was intentionally designed to provide you with the REAL-LIFE support, COMMUNITY, and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to ACHIEVE:

  1. Reversing Insulin Resistance and Achieve Hormonal Balance
  2. Experiencing Painless, Symptom-Free Periods and Restore Fertility
  3. Achieving Optimal Weight, Mental Clarity, and Relief from Menopausal Symptoms.

As soon as you enroll, you'll enjoy access to the following features (total value: $18,000):

Holistic PCOS Reversal University 


An extensive array of resources, including meditations, recipes, PDFs, course lessons, and videos, all designed to assist you on your journey to healing.

Live Group Coaching

Bi-weekly coaching calls covering holistic health topics, Q&A with experts, and group discussions. A consistent source of support, sisterhood, & accountability.

Private Facebook Group

A truly safe, sacred, and supportive (members only!) online space for you to create connections, dive deeper, and ask questions. Open 24/7/365

Ongoing Support

My goal is to form deep connections with every member and truly form a sense of community and sisterhood 

Lifetime Access

Enjoy LIFETIME, unlimited access to every module, bonus, and feature, plus all future upgrades, updates, and additions.

50% Off Perks

Enjoy my most-loved services at a special members-only discount. This includes masterclasses, courses, VIP Days, hourly coaching calls + more.

LaShonda Durden

Yasmine's energy was so soothing she makes me want to crawl in her lap and let her rock me. When I got to the point in my journey that I wasn't seeing the changes in my life that I was manifesting TMH led me to seek support and work with Yasmine. I felt more stable and clear after our first session. There were some key areas I felt "stuck" in and Yasmine was able to help me bust all that up. The best part of working with Yasmine is the cosmic speed of change that occurs. #1000% EMPOWERED. I am able to approach relationships with more tools to manifest the life I desire. My businesses are growing. I am remembering to be more present and centered as I interact with others because I have clear focus of what I want, what I will accept, and what I do not want and will not accept. I would tell a friend to go for it!!! and be warned that s**t is gonna shift after one session with Yasmine. She is gifted to usher in change. Yasmine is connected to #THESource and when you connect to her it is electrifying. Yasmine will gently guide you to your highest is up to you if you take the leap. 

Start your healing journey today!

Sacred Rising

Holistic PCOS Reversal Program

If you're ready to completely transform your whole body health, apply to learn more. We look forward to connecting with you soon! 

Chat with Yasmine

Frequently Asked Questions

In case you were wondering...

Clients experience being held as individuals in their OWN healing journey, AND LEARN how to address the ROOT CAUSES.

They are seen, heard, and understood while working on their personal pathway to reversing PCOS .

70% of my clients regulate their periods within 30-60 days of working together

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Last month when my period came on, I asked for some tips on how to cope with the heavy bleeding & Yasmine M Minnifield provided me with the link to her video on how to achieve a 3 day light and painless period. Tbh, the only thing that I’ve been able to be consistent with is drinking the red raspberry tea and the spearmint tea recommended in general. Well, I just want to say thank you! Not only has it helped my flow be lighter but my period has also went off a day earlier (4 days this time instead of 5). That win just gave me more motivation AND confidence to continue making the changes needed to help my womb become as healthy as possible. THANK YOUUU :two_hearts: 

Sacred Rising is a SAFE space for healing & sisterhood 

Body Recomposition through Simplicity

Our journey embraces body recomposition by integrating small, sustainable habits for lasting transformation. Together, we build the foundation for a healthier, happier you.

Empowering transformations, inside and out:

From significant inches lost and reduced facial hair to reversing insulin resistance and revitalizing metabolism. These stories are a testament to the life-changing power of sustainable health practices. Join us, and begin your journey to wellness.



The coaching, community, and course you need to holistically and naturally reverse PCOS.

Revitalize your health (mind, body, and soul), reclaim your power, remember your purpose and activate your highest potential.

Chat with Yasmine


Yasmine Minnifield is a dedicated and highly experienced holistic health practitioner, doula, educator, and advocate for women's health and wellness. With a diverse background spanning psychology, holistic health, and women's empowerment, Yasmine brings a unique blend of expertise and compassion to her work.

With a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner alongside a Naturopathic Doctor in 2011, Yasmine has been at the forefront of holistic healing for over a decade. Her commitment to empowering women led her to become a certified doula in 2014, specializing in ecstatic homebirth experiences and full spectrum doula care. As a certified holistic fertility and postpartum doula trainer for the National Black Doula Association, Yasmine has played a pivotal role in training and supporting doulas in providing compassionate care to birthing individuals and their families.

Over the years, Yasmine has worked tirelessly to support women in achieving their health goals holistically. With a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, she has collaborated with medical professionals in diabetes reversal programs, leveraging her expertise to support patients on their journey to optimal health.

With a wealth of experience working with over 1,000 women, Yasmine is passionate about facilitating healing and empowerment. As a Modern Day Medicine Woman, she has led women's healing circles, ceremonies, and guided meditations, empowering women to activate their divine feminine power and embrace holistic well-being.

Committed to collaborative care, Yasmine has worked alongside chiropractors, midwives, doctors, nurse practitioners, acupuncturists, and holistic psychiatrists, recognizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to wellness.

Driven by her mission to empower women to reclaim their health and vitality, Yasmine continues to inspire and uplift individuals worldwide, guiding them towards a future filled with wellness, vitality, and radical self-love.

Chat with Yasmine



The coaching, community, and course you need to reverse PCOS naturally, revolutionize your health (mind, body, and soul), reclaim your power, remember your purpose and activate your highest potential.

Chat with Yasmine